Hair is a integral part of one’s body image, personality or beauty and almost everybody is very much concerned about it. We are trying to discuss some common problems about hair and various facilities available with us.
Unwanted hair growth is unsightly in both men and women. Women with unwanted hair on the face due to hormonal causes, are said to have hirsutism. Polycystic ovarian disease, which leads to hormonal disturbance in a female body is one of the common causes of hirsutism.
Many women may have facial hair growth due to hereditary or racial inheritance without any evidence of hormonal dysfunction. Many men or boys may want to remove body hair or do beard shaping without any disease.
Waxing / threading / plucking / depilatories (chemical hair removal) are temporary methods of hair uprooting. Some cream containing drugs like eflornithine are useful for temporary thinning of the hair. But long term effects can be achieved by specialised equipment.
Electrolysis / Thermolysis / ElectroblendElectrolysis and thermolysis (ar a combination of two, called electroblend) were used in the past but very time consuming and skill intensive. They are still useful when few hair strands are to be removed or for white hair. (As white hair do not respond to light based treatments). This facility, which is age-old and already almost extinct from other clinics, is still available in Alok Clinic, to be used for white hair and other special situations.
Light Assisted Hair Reduction (LHR)The most common utility used nowadays is light assisted hair reduction. There are many lasers and lights available for this purpose. In these technologies, hair root is destroyed by an intense pulsed light or laser beams. It is fast, relatively painless and very convenient in most situations. Diode Laser, Long Pulsed Nd YAG Laser, Alexandrite Laser, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) are some of the technologies available for this purpose with various advantages and disadvantages. Diode Laser (Linscan by a German Company called GME and IPL (JAG VPL) are available in Alok Clinic.
IPL (JAG VPL)This technology is available in Alok Clinic, Panvel. This is more useful for patients with unwanted hair which are thinner or of variable thickness.
Linscan Diode LaserThis technology is available in Alok Clinic, New Panvel. It is more useful for patients with thick unwanted hair.
Advantages of Light Assisted Hair ReductionThis form is only meant for making minor enquiries about treatments, sending feedback about our clinic or website or applying for a job at our clinic. It is not meant for patients to make requests for booking a consultation.